Covid 19 precautions:
- Weather permitting, we will remain outside as much as possible.
- Social distancing will be practiced and encouraged throughout the day.
- 5 crews will travel together in a group with crews distanced from each other.
- Multiple outdoor handwashing stations will be onsite.
- Children and staff will sanitize or wash hands before every station rotation.
- Fully vaccinated people will no longer need to wear a mask or physically distance. It is highly recommended that those non vaccinated wear a mask. We understand that at this time any child under the age of 12 is not eligible for a vaccination. If you choose to have your child wear a mask, please understand that our volunteers will not be monitoring this. Above all we should be guided by Christian Charity and respect for all those who we interact with, and the choices they make, particularly around the use of masks and social distancing.
- Games will be non-contact and equipment will not be shared.
- Snacks will be individually packaged.
- Wellness policies will be enforced.
- A designated sick child area away from all other children will be provided.
- Parents will be notified immediately if their child starts feeling unwell.
- Only children and staff will be allowed inside the Ministry Center or Tent.
- Preschool will be kept separate from Elementary and Middle School crews.