Social Concerns exists to support, through engagement, education and prayer, existing and future activities within the Parish and our greater community that provide for the social and corporal needs of others.
We support those activities that follow the principals and themes of Catholic Social Teaching–dignity of the human person, call to family, community and participation, rights and responsibilities, options for the poor and vulnerable, the dignity of work and rights of workers, solidarity, and care for God’s Creation.
We are mindful of the dignity and sacredness in of all of God’s creation, and the many different ways we can live our faith and make a difference in the lives of others. Guided by Catholic Social Teaching, we follow the principals of Prayer, Learning, Service and Advocacy
Dignity of the Human Person. We are called to ask whether our actions as a society respect or threaten the life and dignity of the human person.
Our members are involved in various activities, including , Habitat for Humanity, Little Dresses of Love, International Hospitality, Adopt A Highway and Respect Life and many more.
We meet regularly to coordinate our activities, support each other and find new opportunities to love and serve the community. We also provide opportunities to enrich the knowledge and understanding of social issues. Ministry leaders also provide e-mail notifications to help parishioners learn about the activities that interest them.
All are welcome in the Social Concerns Ministry and there is no specific time commitment. You may join any meeting or activity that interests you, or share a topic may interest others. If you would like to share the joy that comes from serving others, the Social Concerns Ministry is the place for you.
"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8