All high school students are invited to travel with us to Washington, DC in January to march for the voiceless. As Catholics we believe that life begins at conception and ends at natural death.
On January 22,1973 a supreme court case ruled that it was legal and a constitutional right for women to receive an abortion ending the life of their unborn child. We peacefully march along with our brothers and sister from all over the nation from the Capital mall to the supreme court to show our government leaders that we stand for the lives of the unborn.
This three-day pilgrimage is not just the march, we also attend a Life is Very Good two-day rally at George Mason University and we end with a stop at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception on Catholic Universities campus.
We begin our journey with Mass and all throughout our whole trip we pray for all those effected by the horrible sin of abortion. This is such a beautiful trip with our youth under the direction of our Youth Minister, Jessica Chokreff and our Pastor, Fr. Denis. Spaces are limited, your spot is not reserved until you have registered and paid the $125 fee.